
The search_indexing.conf file controls which data in your CollectiveAccess database is searchable, and how. Only data elements configured in search_indexing.conf are searchable. Note that configuration of CollectiveAccess’ browse system is completely independent from search. It is possible to search on data that are not browse-able, and browse on elements that are not indexed for search.


At the top level, search_indexing.conf is structured as a series of blocks, one for each type of item to be indexed:

ca_objects = {
   ... indexing configuration for ca_objects records ...
ca_entities = {
   ... indexing configuration for ca_entities records ...
ca_places = {
   ... indexing configuration for ca_places records ...
ca_occurrences = {
   ... indexing configuration for ca_occurrences records ...

Within each block is a sub-block for item fields as well as sub-blocks for related items and access points (aliases and short cuts for selected data elements or groups of elements). Content in related items may be indexed against the item. For example, you may have an object record indexed by its various fields (accession number, condition, appraised value) as well as by content in related entities (name of artist, nationality of artist), places (place of manufacture), storage location, and more. The object will be searchable by any of the fields for which it has been indexed. Indexing for each type of item is configured independently. You may have objects indexed with content taken from related entities, while omitting related object data from entity indexing, for instance.

A typical ca_objects block might look like this:

ca_objects = {
        # ------------------------------------
        ca_objects = {
                fields = {
                        _metadata = { },                                        # forces indexing of all attributes
                        parent_id = {STORE, DONT_TOKENIZE, DONT_INCLUDE_IN_SEARCH_FORM },
                        source_id = {},
                        lot_id = {},
                        idno = { STORE, DONT_TOKENIZE, INDEX_AS_IDNO, BOOST = 100 },
                        type_id = { STORE, DONT_TOKENIZE },
                        source_id = { STORE, DONT_TOKENIZE },
                        hier_object_id = { STORE, DONT_TOKENIZE },
                        access = { STORE, DONT_TOKENIZE },
                        status = { STORE, DONT_TOKENIZE },
                        deleted = { STORE, DONT_TOKENIZE },
                        is_deaccessioned = { STORE, DONT_TOKENIZE },
                        deaccession_notes = {},
                        deaccession_date = {},
                        circulation_status_id = { STORE, DONT_TOKENIZE }
                # Index idno's of related objects
                related = {
                        fields = {
                                idno = { STORE, DONT_TOKENIZE, INDEX_AS_IDNO, BOOST = 100 }
        # ------------------------------------
        ca_object_labels = {
                key = object_id,
                fields = {
                        name_sort = { DONT_INCLUDE_IN_SEARCH_FORM },
                        _count = {}
                # Index names of related objects
                related = {
                        fields = {
                # ------------------------------------
        ca_objects_x_entities = {
                key = object_id,
                fields = {
                        _count = { }
        # ------------------------------------
        ca_entities = {
                tables = {
                        entities = [ca_objects_x_entities]
                fields = {
                        idno = { STORE, DONT_TOKENIZE, INDEX_AS_IDNO, BOOST = 100 },
                        _count = { }
        # ------------------------------------
        ca_entity_labels = {
                tables = {
                        entities = {
                                ca_objects_x_entities = { },
                                ca_entities = {}
                        annotations = [ca_objects_x_object_representations, ca_object_representations, ca_representation_annotations, ca_representation_annotations_x_entities, ca_entities]
                fields = {
                        entity_id = { DONT_INCLUDE_IN_SEARCH_FORM },
                        displayname = { PRIVATE },
                        forename = {},
                        surname = {},
                        middlename = {}
        # ------------------------------------
        _access_points = {
                label = {
                        fields = [],
                        options = { DONT_INCLUDE_IN_SEARCH_FORM }
                desc = {
                        fields = [ca_objects.description],
                        options = { }
        # ------------------------------------

This may look a bit intimidating at first, but there are actually only three types of sub-blocks present: indexing configuration for the item itself (the indented ca_objects key immediately following the first ca_objects that defines the block), indexing from related items (the ca_object_labels keys and those referencing other tables that follow) and access point definitions (the _access_points key at the end of the sub-block). These sub-blocks form the core of the configuration, and are discussed in detail below.


To index data elements that are part of the item itself create a sub-block whose key is the table name of the item. For example, when indexing ca_objects records, define the data elements (metadata attributes intrinsic fields, special fields) to be indexed in a sub-block with the key ca_objects. In the example configuration, this block is defined as:

ca_objects = {
        fields = {
                _metadata = { },                                        # forces indexing of all attributes
                parent_id = {STORE, DONT_TOKENIZE, DONT_INCLUDE_IN_SEARCH_FORM },
                source_id = {},
                lot_id = {},
                idno = { STORE, DONT_TOKENIZE, INDEX_AS_IDNO, BOOST = 100 },
                type_id = { STORE, DONT_TOKENIZE },
                source_id = { STORE, DONT_TOKENIZE },
                hier_object_id = { STORE, DONT_TOKENIZE },
                access = { STORE, DONT_TOKENIZE },
                status = { STORE, DONT_TOKENIZE },
                deleted = { STORE, DONT_TOKENIZE },
                is_deaccessioned = { STORE, DONT_TOKENIZE },
                deaccession_notes = {},
                deaccession_date = {},
                circulation_status_id = { STORE, DONT_TOKENIZE }
        # Index idno's of related objects
        related = {
                fields = {
                        idno = { STORE, DONT_TOKENIZE, INDEX_AS_IDNO, BOOST = 100 }

The actual fields to index are included in a list with the field key. An additional related key is included, defining indexing for objects related to objects. This will be discussed in detail later.

Each intrinsic field (non-repeating fields hardcoded in the CollectiveAccess database schema) to be indexed is listed individually, with options enclosed in the curly brackets (“{}”). For convenience all configurable metadata elements specific to your installation are indexed using the special _metadata field. This obviates the need for you to enumerate each metadata element individually. If you need to not index certain elements, you can specify individual elements to index using keys starting with ca_attribute_ followed by element codes (ex. metadata element “description” would be listed as “ca_attribute_description”).

Only data elements listed in this block, or inferred by the _metadata special field, will be indexed.

Special fields There are two “special fields” that may be used in the field list. Special fields always start with underscore character.

Option Description
_metadata Forces indexing of all metadata elements configured for the item. When indexing of all fields is desired (the typical case) use of the _metadata special field obviates the need to explicitly list all available fields, and to update indexing configuration every time a new metadata element is added.
_count Embeds the number of related rows for a given table in the index. You can specify this for both relationship (ex. ca_objects_x_entities) and primary (ex. ca_entities) tables. The field is named <table_name>.count - for example: object_representations.count for table ‘object_representations’. This can be used to find rows that have, or don’t have, related rows in a given table.When specified on a primary table (eg. ca_entities, ca_occurrences), counts are indexed in aggregate as well as for each type. For relationship tables (eg. ca_objects_x_entities) counts are indexed in aggregate as well as for each relationship type. For example querying on a specific type or types: ca_entities.count/individual:3 (finds records with exactly three related entities of type “individual”) ca_objects_x_entities.count/artist:[2 to 4] (finds objects with between two and four entities related as artist)

Field-level options

A variety of options are available to control how data elements are indexed:

Option Description Example syntax
STORE Forces the value to be stored in the index, if possible; this can speed display of the content in a search but may slow down indexing and increases index size not applicable
TOKENIZE Breaks content into separate values on whitespace characters, such as a spaces or line breaks, or by punctuation characters prior to indexing. This is the default and in general need not be specified. It may be combined with the DONT_TOKENIZE option to index values both as tokenized fragments and as a single “as-is” value. This can be useful when indexing accession numbers and other identifiers. not applicable
DONT_TOKENIZE Indexes the value as-is, rather than breaking into separate values on whitespace characters, such as a spaces or line breaks, or by punctuation characters. This is useful for values that should not be indexed as text, such as numeric values and accession numbers/identifiers. not applicable
DONT_INCLUDE_IN_SEARCH_FORM Indicates that the data element should not be includable in user-defined search forms. not applicable
BOOST A numeric “boost” value for the index field. Higher values will cause search hits on the boosted field to count for more when sorting by relevance. BOOST = 100
INDEX_AS_IDNO Causes the value to be indexed with various permutations for flexible retrieval as a record identifier. For example, if this option is used then a search for KA1 would return KA.0001. not applicable
INDEX_AS_MIMETYPE Causes the value to be indexed as a mime type variations to support flexible retrieval. For example, if this option is used then mime type values of “image/wav” would be index under both the literal mime type and “WAVE Audio”. (Available from version 1.7.1) not applicable
INDEX_ANCESTORS Enables hierarchical indexing for field, assuming it is in an hierarchical table, resulting in all values for this field in records above the subject in the hierarchy being indexing against the subject not applicable
INDEX_ANCESTORS_START_AT_LEVEL Forces hierarchical indexing to start X levels down from the root. This allows you to omit the very highest, and least selective, levels of the hierarchy when indexing. If omitted indexing starts from the hierarchy root INDEX_ANCESTORS_START_AT_LEVEL = 2
INDEX_ANCESTORS_MAX_NUMBER_OF_LEVELS Sets the maximum number of levels above the subject to be indexed. If omitted all levels of the hierarchy above the subject are indexed INDEX_ANCESTORS_MAX_NUMBER_OF_LEVELS = 3
INDEX_ANCESTORS_AS_PATH_WITH_DELIMITER Sets a delimiter to place between each level of the hierarchy prior to indexing the entire hierarchy path above the subject. This is useful when you want to treat the hierarchy path as an identifier INDEX_ANCESTORS_AS_PATH_WITH_DELIMITER = .
PRIVATE Flags indexing for the data element as being only for use by authenticated users and not for public use. Typically Pawtucket front-ends will ignore indexing so flagged. not applicable
COUNT For metadata elements only. Causes the number of values set for the element in a record to be indexed. This enables searching on records by the number of values in a given field. (Available from version 1.7) not applicable

You can set multiple options by separating them with commas. Options taking values should be separated from the value by an equals sign. For example:

ca_objects = {
                fields = {

                        idno = { STORE, DONT_TOKENIZE, INDEX_AS_IDNO, BOOST = 100 },