Lists & Authorities

List item intrinsics (ca_list_items)

Name Code Description Mandatory? Default
Identifier idno The list item identifier. Must follow policy defined in configured numbering policy if app.conf setting require_valid_id_number_for_ca_list_items is set. Must be unique if app.conf setting allow_duplicate_id_number_for_ca_list_items is not set. Depends upon numbering policy  
Type type_id A value from the list_item_types list indicating the type of the record. Stored as an internally generated numeric item_id. When setting this value in a data import or via an API call the item identifier may be used. Yes null
Parent parent_id Reference to parent record. Will be null if no parent is defined. When setting this value in a data import or via an API call the identifier of the parent place may be used. No null
List list_id A reference to the list record (ca_lists) of which the list item is a part. Note that a list item is always part of a list. It cannot exist outside of a list. The raw database value contained list_id is an internally generated numeric list_id. However, when setting this intrinsic via an import mapping or API call you may also use the list’s code. No  
Value item_value Value represented by list item. This is distinct from the identifier and used to convey a text or numeric quantity when required. Yes  
Access access Determines visibility of record in public-facing applications such as Pawtucket. Values are defined in the access_statuses list. Typically the list includes values for “public” and “private” visibility. For historical reasons the value stored in the intrinsic is the list item’s value field, not its identifer or label. By convention “0” is interpreted as private and “1” as public access, although this can be modified or expanded in app.conf if required. Yes 0
Status status Records the general cataloguing workflow status of the record. Values are defined in the workflow_statuses list. For historical reasons the value stored in the intrinsic is the list item’s value field, not its identifer or label. Unlike access values, statuses have no functional impact on a record. They are merely informations and intended to provide a simple, straightforward way to track the cataloguing process. Yes 0
Icon icon Icon image to display for listitem. No  
Color color Highlight color for list item in hex format. No  
Is enabled? is_enabled Flag indicating whether list item is available for use (value set to 1) or not available (value is 0). Yes 0
Is default? is_default Flag indicating whether list item is the default selection for its list (value set to 1) or not (value is 0). Yes 0
Rank rank The sort order position of the list item. Must be a whole number; lower numbers indicate higher ranking in sort. Yes 0

List intrinsics (ca_lists)

Name Code Description Mandatory? Default
List code list_code The list identifier. Must be a unique alpha-numeric code without spaces or punctuation beyond underscores. Yes  
Is system list? is_system_list Flag indicating whether list is required to support application functionality (value set to 1) or is purely for cataloguing purposes (value is 0). Yes 0
Is hierarchical? is_hierarchical Flag indicating whether list is hierarchical (value set to 1) or flat (value is 0). Yes 0
Use as vocabulary? use_as_vocabulary Flag indicating whether list should be used in vocabulary (keyword) lookups (value set to 1) or not (value is 0). Yes 0
Default sort default_sort Specifies the default method to employ to order items in this list. Takes a numeric value indicating the sort order: 0 = Sort by list item label 1 = Sort by list item rank 2 = Sort by list item value 3 = Sort by list item identifier Yes 0