Attribute Types Settings

Attribute settings: Containers

Unlike all other attribute types, containers do not represent data values. Rather their sole function is to organize attributes into groups for display. In a multi-attribute value set (for example an address with separate attributes for street number, city, state, country and postal code), there will be at least one container serving as the “root” (or top) of the attribute hierarchy. Other containers may serve to further group items in the multi-attribute set into sub-groups displayed on separate lines of a form.

Settings Description Default Values
doesNotTakeLocale Defines whether element take locale specification. 0 (takes locale) 0 or 1
lineBreakAfterNumberOfElements Number of metadata elements after which a line break should be inserted. 0 (no line breaks) Integers zero or greater
canBeUsedInSearchForm Use this option if the attribute value can be used in search forms. 1 (used in search forms) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInDisplay Use this option if the attribute value can be used for display in search results. 1 (used for display) 0 or 1
displayTemplate Layout for value when used in a display. Element code tags prefixed with the ^ character, used to represent the value in the template. For example: ^my_element_code.   Display_Templates
displayDelimiter Delimiter to use between multiple values. , (comma) Text

Layout used when a container value is in read-only mode. If this template is set, existing values are always displayed in read-only mode until you click to edit. This can be used to preserve screen space for large containers.

Element code tags prefixed with the ^ character, used to represent the value in the template. For example: ^ca_objects.my_notes. Each of these templates is evaluated relative to a specific value instance for this container, so other display template elements like <unit>, <ifdef> or <more> might not work exactly as expected. More general notes on display templates are here: Display_Templates


Attribute settings: Text

Settings Description Default Values
minChars The minimum number of characters to allow. Input shorter than required will be rejected. 0 (no minimum) Integers zero or greater
maxChars The maximum number of characters to allow. Input longer than required will be rejected. 65535 Integers greater than zero
regex A Perl-format regular expression with which to validate the input. Input not matching the expression will be rejected. Do not include the leading and trailling delimiter characters (typically “/”) in your expression. Leave blank if you don’t want to use regular expression-based validation.   Expression-based validation value
fieldWidth Width, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 40 Integers greater than zero
fieldHeight Height, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 1 Integers greater than zero
usewysiwygeditor Check this option if you want to use a word-processor like editor with this text field. If you expect users to enter rich text (italic, bold, underline) then you might want to enable this. 0 (not enabled) 0 or 1
default_text Text to pre-populate a newly created attribute with   Text
suggestExistingValues Use this option if you want the attribute to suggest previously saved values as text. This option is only effective if the display height of the text entry is equal to 1. 0 (does not suggest text) 0 or 1
suggestExistingValueSort If suggestion of existing values is enabled this option determines how returned values are sorted. Choose valueto sort alphabetically. Choose most recently added to sort with most recently entered values first. value value ormost recently added
doesNotTakeLocale Defines whether element take locale specification 0 (takes locale) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSort Use this option if this attribute value can be used for sorting of search results. 1 (used in sort) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSearchForm Use this option if the attribute value can be used in search forms 1 (used in search forms) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInDisplay Use this option if the attribute value can be used for display in search results 1 (used for display) 0 or 1
displayTemplate Layout for value when used in a display. Element code tags prefixed with the ^ character, used to represent the value in the template. For example: <i>^my_element_code</i>.   HTML
displayDelimiter Delimiter to use between multiple values , (comma) Text
mustBeUnique If this option is set, the system will prevent adding duplicate values for this metadata element. If a value already exists, it can’t be entered again. A warning will be placed next to the text field as data is entered and saving the record anyway will result in an error. 1 0 or 1

Attribute settings: DateRange

Settings Description Default Values
dateRangeBoundaries The range of dates that are accepted. Input dates outside the range will be rejected. Leave blank if you do not require restrictions.   Accepted date/time expression
fieldWidth Width, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 40 Integers greater than zero
useDatePicker Use this option if you want a calendar-based date picker to be available for date entry. 0 (not enabled) 0 or 1
default_text Value to pre-populate a newly created attribute with.   Accepted date/time expression
mustNotBeBlank Use this option if this attribute value must be set to some value, if, in other words, it must not be blank. 0 (can be blank) 0 or 1
isLifespan Use this option if this attribute value represents a persons lifespan. Lifespans are displayed in a slightly different format in many languages than standard dates. 0 (not enabled) 0 or 1
suggestExistingValues Use this option if you want the attribute to suggest previously saved values as text. This option is only effective if the display height of the text entry is equal to 1. 0 (does not suggest text) 0 or 1
suggestExistingValueSort If suggestion of existing values is enabled this option determines how returned values are sorted. Choose value to sort alphabetically. Choose most recently added to sort with most recently entered values first. value value or most recently added
doesNotTakeLocale Defines whether element take locale specification 1 (does not take locale specifications) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSort Use this option if this attribute value can be used for sorting of search results. 1 (used in sort) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSearchForm Use this option if the attribute value can be used in search forms 1 (used in search forms) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInDisplay Use this option if the attribute value can be used for display in search results 1 (used for display) 0 or 1
displayTemplate Layout for value when used in a display. Element code tags prefixed with the ^ character, used to represent the value in the template. For example: <i>^my_element_code</i>.   HTML
displayDelimiter Delimiter to use between multiple values , (comma) Text

Attribute settings: Lists

Settings Description Default Values
listWidth Width, in characters or pixels, of the list when displayed in a user interface. When list is rendered as a hierarchy browser width must be in pixels. 40 Characters or pixels
listHeight Height, in pixels, of the list when displayed in a user interface as a hierarchy browser. 200px Pixels
maxColumns Maximum number of columns to use when laying out radio buttons or checklist. 3 Integers greater than zero
render Determines how the list is displayed visually. Drop-down list (‘select’) Drop-down menu (code=”select”) Yes/no checkbox (code=”yes_no_checkboxes”) Radio buttons (code=”radio_buttons”); Checklist (code=”checklist”) Type-ahead lookup (code=”lookup”) Horizontal hierarchy browser (code=”horiz_hierbrowser”) Horizontal hierarchy browser with search (code=”horiz_hierbrowser_with_search”) Vertical hierarchy browser (code=”vert_hierbrowser”)
doesNotTakeLocale Defines whether element takes locale specification 1 (does not take locale specifications) 0 or 1
requireValue Defines whether a list item must be explicitly set. If set to 1 then a valid list item must be selected, and in the absence of a selected value the default value is used. If set to zero then a “null” value (labeled “none” in the English locale) is added to the list and made default 1 (require value) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSort Use this option if this attribute value can be used for sorting of search results. 1 (used in sort) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSearchForm Use this option if the attribute value can be used in search forms 1 (used in search forms) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInDisplay Use this option if the attribute value can be used for display in search results 1 (used for display) 0 or 1
displayTemplate Layout for value when used in a display. Element code tags prefixed with the ^ character, used to represent the value in the template. For example: ^my_element_code.   HTML
displayDelimiter Delimiter to use between multiple values , (comma) Text

Attribute settings: Geocode

The Geocode attribute type represents one or more coordinates (latitude/longitude pairs) indicating the location of an item (collection object, geographic place, storage location or whatever else you want to place on a map).

Coordinates can be entered as decimal latitude/longitude pairs (ex. 40.321,-74.55) or in degrees-minutes-seconds format (ex. 40 23’ 10N, 74 30’ 5W). Multiple latitude/longitude coordinates should be separated with semicolons (“;”). UTM format coordinates is also supported.

Non-coordinate entries are converted to coordinates using the Google Maps Geocoding service, which works well for most full and partial addresses worldwide. To unambiguously distinguish coordinate data from address data to be geocoded, it is strongly suggested that coordinate lists be enclosed in square brackets (ex. [40.321,-74.55; 41.321,-74.55;41.321,-75.55;40.321,-75.55;40.321,-74.55].

Google Maps integration

The Google Maps mapping service is used to produce maps displaying your coordinates. The Geocode attribute used to support either version 2 or 3 of the Google Maps API, selectable via the google_api directive in the global.conf file. As of August 2010, only the v3 API is supported since v2 is now officially deprecated by Google. Any old v2 configuration in your installation (assuming you installed prior to August 2010) will be ignored.

Adding rectified overlays

You can add layers that include rectified maps by creating serve-able tiles using a tool such as MapWarper and the Google/OSM URL it provides as an export option. The OSM URL will be in the format You will need to change the x, y and z placeholders in ${x}, ${y} and ${z} respectively. The example OSM URL for CollectiveAccess would be${z}/${x}/${y}.png. This URL should be entered into the “Tile Server URL” option for the metadata element. You should also provide a layer name describing the content of the map. If you wish to allow users to toggle the layer on and off check the “Show layer switcher controls” checkbox.

Settings Description Default Values
fieldWidth Width, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 70 Integers greater than zero
fieldHeight Height, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 2 Integers greater than zero
mustNotBeBlank Use this option if this attribute value must be set to some value, if, in other words, it must not be blank. 0 (can be blank) 0 or 1
doesNotTakeLocale Defines whether element takes locale specification. 1 (does not take locale specifications) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSort Use this option if this attribute value can be used for sorting of search results. 0 (not used in sort) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSearchForm Use this option if the attribute value can be used in search forms. 1 (used in search forms) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInDisplay Use this option if the attribute value can be used for display in search results. 1 (used for display) 0 or 1
displayTemplate Layout for value when used in a display. Element code tags prefixed with the ^ character, used to represent the value in the template. For example: <i>^my_element_code</i>.   HTML
tileServerURL OSM URL for tileserver to load custom tiles from, with placeholders for X, Y and Z values in the format ${x}. .${z}/${x}/${y}.png URL with placeholders
tileLayerName Display name for layer containing tiles loaded from tile server specified in the tile server URL setting. 1929 Street Atlas Text
layerSwitcherControl Include layer switching controls in the map interface. 1 (show controls) 0 or 1

Attribute settings: Url

Accepts a properly formatted URL value.

Settings Description Default Values
minChars The minimum number of characters to allow. Input shorter than required will be rejected. 0 (no minimum) Integers zero or greater
maxChars The maximum number of characters to allow. Input longer than required will be rejected. 65535 Integers greater than zero
regex A Perl-format regular expression with which to validate the input. Input not matching the expression will be rejected. Do not include the leading and trailling delimiter characters (typically “/”) in your expression. Leave blank if you don’t want to use regular expression-based validation.   Expression-based validation value
fieldWidth Width, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 40 Integers greater than zero
fieldHeight Height, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 1 Integers greater than zero
requireValue Use this option if you want an error to be thrown if the URL is left blank. 0 (entry not required) 0 or 1
suggestExistingValues Use this option if you want the attribute to suggest previously saved values as text. This option is only effective if the display height of the text entry is equal to 1. 0 (does not suggest text) 0 or 1
suggestExistingValueSort If suggestion of existing values is enabled this option determines how returned values are sorted. Choosevalue to sort alphabetically. Choose most recently added to sort with most recently entered values first. value value ormost recently added
doesNotTakeLocale Defines whether element takes locale specification. 1 (does not take locale specifications) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSort Use this option if this attribute value can be used for sorting of search results. 1 (used in sort) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSearchForm Use this option if the attribute value can be used in search forms. 1 (used in search forms) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInDisplay Use this option if the attribute value can be used for display in search results. 1 (used for display) 0 or 1
displayTemplate Layout for value when used in a display. Element code tags prefixed with the ^ character, used to represent the value in the template. For example: <i>^my_element_code</i>.   HTML
displayDelimiter Delimiter to use between multiple values. , (comma) Text

Attribute settings: Currency

Accepts a currency value composed of a currency specifier and a decimal number.

Settings Description Default Values
minValue The minimum value allowed. Input less than the required value will be rejected. 0 (no minimum) Numeric
maxValue The maximum value allowed. Input greater than the required value will be rejected. 0 (no maximum) Numeric
fieldWidth Width, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 40 Integers greater then zero
fieldHeight Height, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 1 Integers greater then zero
doesNotTakeLocale Defines whether element takes locale specification. 1 (does not take locale specifications) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSort Use this option if this attribute value can be used for sorting of search results. 1 (used in sort) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSearchForm Use this option if the attribute value can be used in search forms. 1 (used in search forms) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInDisplay Use this option if the attribute value can be used for display in search results. 1 (used for display) 0 or 1
displayTemplate Layout for value when used in a display. Element code tags prefixed with the ^ character, used to represent the value in the template. For example: <i>^my_element_code</i>.   HTML
displayDelimiter Delimiter to use between multiple values. , (comma) Text

Attribute settings: Length

Accepts length measurements in metric, English and typographical points units.

Settings Description Default Values
fieldWidth Width, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 40 Integers greater then zero
fieldHeight Height, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 1 Integers greater then zero
requireValue Use this option if you want an error to be thrown if this measurement is left blank. 0 (can be blank) 0 or 1
doesNotTakeLocale Defines whether measurement takes locale specification. 1 (does not take locale specifications) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSort Use this option if this attribute value can be used for sorting of search results. 1 (used in sort) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSearchForm Use this option if the attribute value can be used in search forms. 1 (used in search forms) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInDisplay Use this option if the attribute value can be used for display in search results. 1 (used for display) 0 or 1
displayTemplate Layout for value when used in a display. Element code tags prefixed with the ^ character, used to represent the value in the template. For example: <i>^my_element_code</i>.   HTML
displayDelimiter Delimiter to use between multiple values. , (comma) Text

Attribute settings: Weight

Accepts weight measurements in metric and English units.

Settings Description Default Values
fieldWidth Width, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 40 Integers greater then zero
fieldHeight Height, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 1 Integers greater then zero
requireValue Use this option if you want an error to be thrown if this measurement is left blank. 0 (can be blank) 0 or 1
doesNotTakeLocale Defines whether measurement takes locale specification. 1 (does not take locale specifications) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSort Use this option if this attribute value can be used for sorting of search results. 1 (used in sort) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSearchForm Use this option if the attribute value can be used in search forms. 1 (used in search forms) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInDisplay Use this option if the attribute value can be used for display in search results. 1 (used for display) 0 or 1
displayTemplate Layout for value when used in a display. Element code tags prefixed with the ^ character, used to represent the value in the template. For example: <i>^my_element_code</i>.   HTML
displayDelimiter Delimiter to use between multiple values. , (comma) Text

Attribute settings: TimeCode

Accepts time offsets in a number of time code formats.

Settings Description Default Values
fieldWidth Width, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 40 Integers greater than zero
fieldHeight Height, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 1 Integers greater than zero
requireValue Use this option if you want an error to be thrown if this measurement is left blank. 0 (can be blank) 0 or 1
doesNotTakeLocale Defines whether measurement takes locale specification. 1 (does not take locale specifications) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSort Use this option if this attribute value can be used for sorting of search results. 1 (used in sort) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSearchForm Use this option if the attribute value can be used in search forms. 1 (used in search forms) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInDisplay Use this option if the attribute value can be used for display in search results. 1 (used for display) 0 or 1
displayTemplate Layout for value when used in a display. Element code tags prefixed with the ^ character, used to represent the value in the template. For example: <i>^my_element_code</i>.   HTML
displayDelimiter Delimiter to use between multiple values. , (comma) Text

Attribute settings: Integer

Accepts a properly formatted integer value.

Settings Description Default Values
minChars The minimum number of characters to allow. Input shorter than required will be rejected. 0 (no minimum) Integers zero or greater
maxChars The maximum number of characters to allow. Input longer than required will be rejected. 65535 Integers greater than zero
minValue The minimum numeric value to allow. Values smaller than required will be rejected.   Numeric
maxValue The maximum numeric value to allow. Values greater than required will be rejected.   Numeric
regex A Perl-format regular expression with which to validate the input. Input not matching the expression will be rejected. Do not include the leading and trailing delimiter characters (typically “/”) in your expression. Leave blank if you don’t want to use regular expression-based validation.   Expression-based validation value
fieldWidth Width, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 40 Integers greater than zero
fieldHeight Height, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 1 Integers greater than zero
mustNotBeBlank Use this option if you want an error to be thrown if the URL is left blank. 0 (entry not required) 0 or 1
doesNotTakeLocale Defines whether element takes locale specification. 0 (takes locale specifications) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSort Use this option if this attribute value can be used for sorting of search results. 1 (used in sort) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSearchForm Use this option if the attribute value can be used in search forms. 1 (used in search forms) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInDisplay Use this option if the attribute value can be used for display in search results. 1 (used for display) 0 or 1
displayTemplate Layout for value when used in a display. Element code tags prefixed with the ^ character, used to represent the value in the template. For example: <i>^my_element_code</i>.   HTML
displayDelimiter Delimiter to use between multiple values. , (comma) Text

Attribute settings: Numeric

Accepts numeric values and strings consisting of optional sign, any number of digits, optional decimal part and optional exponential part.

Settings Description Default Values
minChars The minimum number of characters to allow. Input shorter than required will be rejected. 0 (no minimum) Integers zero or greater
maxChars The maximum number of characters to allow. Input longer than required will be rejected. 10 Integers greater than zero
minValue The minimum numeric value to allow. Values smaller than required will be rejected.   Integers
maxValue The maximum numeric value to allow. Values greater than required will be rejected.   Integers
regex A Perl-format regular expression with which to validate the input. Input not matching the expression will be rejected. Do not include the leading and trailing delimiter characters (typically “/”) in your expression. Leave blank if you don’t want to use regular expression-based validation.   Expression-based validation value
fieldWidth Width, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 40 Integers greater than zero
fieldHeight Height, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 1 Integers greater than zero
mustNotBeBlank Use this option if you want an error to be thrown if the URL is left blank. 0 (entry not required) 0 or 1
doesNotTakeLocale Defines whether element takes locale specification. 0 (takes locale specifications) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSort Use this option if this attribute value can be used for sorting of search results. 1 (used in sort) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSearchForm Use this option if the attribute value can be used in search forms. 1 (used in search forms) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInDisplay Use this option if the attribute value can be used for display in search results. 1 (used for display) 0 or 1
displayTemplate Layout for value when used in a display. Element code tags prefixed with the ^ character, used to represent the value in the template. For example: <i>^my_element_code</i>.   HTML
displayDelimiter Delimiter to use between multiple values. , (comma) Text

Attribute settings: LCSH

Library of Congress Subject Heading values.

Settings Description Default Values
fieldWidth Width, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 60 Integers greater than zero
fieldHeight Height, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 1 Integers greater than zero
doesNotTakeLocale Defines whether element takes locale specification. 1 (does not take locale specifications) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSort Use this option if this attribute value can be used for sorting of search results. 0 (not used in sort) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSearchForm Use this option if the attribute value can be used in search forms. 1 (used in search forms) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInDisplay Use this option if the attribute value can be used for display in search results. 1 (used for display) 0 or 1
displayTemplate Layout for value when used in a display. Element code tags prefixed with the ^ character, used to represent the value in the template. For example: <i>^my_element_code</i>.   HTML
displayDelimiter Delimiter to use between multiple values. , (comma) Text
vocabulary Selects which vocabulary will be searched.   All vocabularies’ => ;’LC Subject Headings’ => ‘cs:’; ‘LC Name Authority File’ => ‘cs:’; ‘LC Subject Headings for Children’ => ‘cs:’; ‘LC Genre/Forms File’ => ‘cs:’; ‘Thesaurus of Graphic Materials’ => ‘cs:’; ‘Preservation Events’ => ‘cs:’; ‘Preservation Level Role’ => ‘cs:’; ‘Cryptographic Hash Functions’ => ‘cs:’; ‘MARC Relators’ => ‘cs:’; ‘MARC Countries’ => ‘cs:’; ‘MARC Geographic Areas’ => ‘cs:’; ‘MARC Languages’ => ‘cs:’; ‘ISO639-1 Languages’ => ‘cs:’; ‘ISO639-2 Languages’ => ‘cs:’; ‘ISO639-5 Languages’ => ‘cs:’;

Attribute settings: GeoNames

Represents one or more latitude/longitude coordinates

Settings Description Default Values
fieldWidth Width, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 60 Integers greater than zero
fieldHeight Height, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 1 Integers greater than zero
mustNotBeBlank Use this option if this attribute value must be set to some value, if, in other words, it must not be blank. 0 (can be blank) 0 or 1
doesNotTakeLocale Defines whether element takes locale specification. 1 (does not take locale specifications) 0 or 1
canBeEmpty Use this option if you want to allow empty attribute values. This – of course – only makes sense if you bundle several elements in a container. 0 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSort Use this option if this attribute value can be used for sorting of search results. 0 (not used in sort) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSearchForm Use this option if the attribute value can be used in search forms. 1 (used in search forms) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInDisplay Use this option if the attribute value can be used for display in search results. 1 (used for display) 0 or 1
displayTemplate Layout for value when used in a display. Element code tags prefixed with the ^ character, used to represent the value in the template. For example: <i>^my_element_code</i>.   HTML
displayDelimiter Delimiter to use between multiple values. , (comma) Text

Attribute settings: Files

Uploaded file

Settings Description Default Values
doesNotTakeLocale Defines whether element takes locale specification. 1 (does not take locale specifications) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInDisplay Use this option if the attribute value can be used for display in search results. 1 (used for display) 0 or 1
displayTemplate Layout for value when used in a display. Element code tags prefixed with the ^ character, used to represent the value in the template. For example: <i>^my_element_code</i>.   HTML
displayDelimiter Delimiter to use between multiple values. , (comma) Text

Attribute settings: Media

Uploaded media (image, sound video).

Settings Description Default Values
doesNotTakeLocale Defines whether element takes locale specification. 1 (does not take locale specifications) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInDisplay Use this option if the attribute value can be used for display in search results. 1 (used for display) 0 or 1
displayTemplate Layout for value when used in a display. Element code tags prefixed with the ^ character, used to represent the value in the template. For example: <i>^my_element_code</i>.   HTML
displayDelimiter Delimiter to use between multiple values. , (comma) Text

Attribute settings: Taxonomy

Settings Description Default Values
fieldWidth Width, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 60 Integers greater then zero
doesNotTakeLocale Defines whether measurement takes locale specification. 1 (does not take locale specifications) 0 or 1
restrictToOccurrenceTypeIdno Insert idno of a occurrence type here to restrict the lookup mechanism to that type.   idno
canBeUsedInSort Use this option if this attribute value can be used for sorting of search results. 0 (not used in sort) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSearchForm Use this option if the attribute value can be used in search forms. 1 (used in search forms) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInDisplay Use this option if the attribute value can be used for display in search results. 1 (used for display) 0 or 1
displayTemplate Layout for value when used in a display. Element code tags prefixed with the ^ character, used to represent the value in the template. For example: <i>^my_element_code</i>.   HTML
displayDelimiter Delimiter to use between multiple values. , (comma) Text

Attribute settings: Entities

Settings Description Default Values
fieldWidth Width, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 60 Integers greater then zero
doesNotTakeLocale Defines whether measurement takes locale specification. 1 (does not take locale specifications) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSort Use this option if this attribute value can be used for sorting of search results. 1 (used in sort) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSearchForm Use this option if the attribute value can be used in search forms. 1 (used in search forms) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInDisplay Use this option if the attribute value can be used for display in search results. 1 (used for display) 0 or 1
displayTemplate Layout for value when used in a display. Element code tags prefixed with the ^ character, used to represent the value in the template. For example: <i>^my_element_code</i>.   HTML
displayDelimiter Delimiter to use between multiple values. , (comma) Text

Attribute settings: Color

Stores color values. User interface typically provides a color picker. Values are stored internally as RGB hex color values.

Settings Description Default Values
fieldWidth Width, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 40 Integers greater then zero
fieldHeight Height, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 1 Integers greater then zero
requireValue Use this option if you want an error to be thrown if this measurement is left blank. 0 (can be blank) 0 or 1
doesNotTakeLocale Defines whether measurement takes locale specification. 1 (does not take locale specifications) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSort Use this option if this attribute value can be used for sorting of search results. 1 (used in sort) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSearchForm Use this option if the attribute value can be used in search forms. 1 (used in search forms) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInDisplay Use this option if the attribute value can be used for display in search results. 1 (used for display) 0 or 1
displayTemplate Layout for value when used in a display. Element code tags prefixed with the ^ character, used to represent the value in the template. For example: <i>^my_element_code</i>.   HTML
displayDelimiter Delimiter to use between multiple values. , (comma) Text
showHexValueText Display the hex value of the selected color below the color chip. 0 (don’t show) 0 or 1
showRGBValueText Display the RGB value of the selected color below the color chip. 0 (don’t show) 0 or 1
default_text Default color value.   Hex color value (Ex. FFCC33)
allowDuplicateValues Allow duplicate values to be attached to a record. 0 (don’t allow duplicates) 0 or 1

Attribute settings: File size

Accepts digital file size values with commonly used suffixes: B, KB, KiB, MB, MiB, GB, GiB, TB, Tib, PB and PiB. Available from version 1.7.9.

Settings Description Default Values
fieldWidth Width, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 40 Integers greater then zero
fieldHeight Height, in characters, of the field when displayed in a user interface. 1 Integers greater then zero
requireValue Use this option if you want an error to be thrown if this measurement is left blank. 0 (can be blank) 0 or 1
doesNotTakeLocale Defines whether measurement takes locale specification. 1 (does not take locale specifications) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSort Use this option if this attribute value can be used for sorting of search results. 1 (used in sort) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInSearchForm Use this option if the attribute value can be used in search forms. 1 (used in search forms) 0 or 1
canBeUsedInDisplay Use this option if the attribute value can be used for display in search results. 1 (used for display) 0 or 1
displayTemplate Layout for value when used in a display. Element code tags prefixed with the ^ character, used to represent the value in the template. For example: <i>^my_element_code</i>.   HTML
displayDelimiter Delimiter to use between multiple values. , (comma) Text
allowDuplicateValues Allow duplicate values to be attached to a record. 0 (don’t allow duplicates) 0 or 1